Sunday, October 01, 2006

In the Name of Jesus - Reflections on Christian Leadership by Henri J.M. Nouwen

Product Details

Title: In the Name of Jesus - Reflections on Christian Leadership
Author: Henri J.M. Nouwen
Publisher: The Crossroad Publishing Company
Language: English
ISBN: 0-8245-0915-3

Notes & Comments

I know a little more about mystic now, with Henri's given examples. Also, Henri had shown me the root cause and insight into the temptation of powering over people; instead of through love.

pg 25
1st love: 1 John 4:19, unconditional & unlimited love
2nd love: love that often leaves us doubtful, frustrated, angry, resentful; affirmation, affection, sympathy, encouragement, support we receive from other people, which are limited, broken, fragile, may lead to rejection, withdrawal, punishment, blackmail, violence, hatred, broken reflection of the first love
pg.28 - discipline of contemplative prayer: A mystic is a person whose identity is deeply rooted in God's first love
truly fruitful in future: movement from moral to mystical
pg.41 - communal: brothers & sisters to pray with me, speak with me about the spiritual task at hand, and to challenge me to stay pure in mind, heart, and body: Jesus heals, speaks words of truth, who is the Lord, not I
pg.43-44 - mutual, 2 ways relationship unlike doctor, psychiatry. Laying down your life: making your own faith & doubt, hope & despair, joy & sadness, courage & fear available to others as ways of getting in touch with the Lord of life. Else shepherding becomes a subtle way of exercising power over others showing authoritarian & dictatorial traits
pg.59 - temptation of power: power offers an easy substitute for the hard task of love; easier: to be God than to love God, to control people than love people, to own life than to love life; tempted to replace love with power


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