Monday, November 27, 2006

Leap Over a Wall

Product Details

Title: Leap Over a Wall - Earthly Spiritual for Everyday Christians
Author: Eugene H. Peterson
Publisher: HarperSanFrancisco
Language: English
ISBN: 0-06-066522-X

Notes & Comments

I have read Samuel, Kings, Psalm (btw. when I was young, I found most part of Psalm a bit nutty/paranoid, not so much as I get older - fortunately and unfortunately Psalm is getting real).. etc in the Bible quite a few times in the past, but I never gain as much insights into David's life as Peterson did. I really like the way Peterson resonated (to the very fact which I can very much relate) today's Christian's lives with things happening in David's time. Now, I am wondering if Peterson ever got into debating issues in his church/clergy life, as I found some of his comments/insights were very excitingly "over the wall". I guess he's a well-known scholar and pastor so people would keep an open-mind on his sayings. By the way, from his choice of wordings I think he has great pleasure in food/cooking :-) Peterson indeed is a blessed genius in resonating between old and new testaments, weaving into today's Christian lives. Each paragraph is like a shot of firework - filled with colours, context & excitement, echoing with bombardment.

Chapter 3 - work Pg.27
Worship & work became two different things, one at the service of the other. The worship was undertaken so that the work would prosper. The consequence was fatal. (The reverse arrangement, work undertaken so that worship will prosper, is equally fatal.) What we are after is a seamless world of work & worship, worship & work. Only God is sovereign. Our work is derivative from God the worker.

Chapter 4 - story Pg.37
The stories keep releasing new insight in new situations. As we bring new experience & insight to the story, the story gathers that enrichment in & gives it back to us in fresh form.

Pg. 137
David age chronology - 29.5-37: King of Judah, 27.5-29.5: leader of guerilla, 19-27.5: fugitive in wilderness hiding from Saul, <19:>

Pg. 138-139
"Christian" life

Pg. 148
covenant with people, Uzzah's death taking charge of God, God will not be managed

Pg. 153
regular set time to worship, eliminate self-centric

Pg. 163
David let himself stopped by God

Pg. 173
“chesed” love

Pg. 171
etymology of Mephibosheth

Pg. 175
defined by covenants

Pg. 183-184
send - power, sin; playing God

Pg. 187
definition of sin

Pg. 159
jackpot of supernatural

Pg. 215

Pg. 219
Abishag: qualification nonfunctional, just serve

Pg. 228
practice resurrection, pray like David, live in the name of Jesus


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