Saturday, January 27, 2007

The way of the heart – Desert Spirituality and Contemporary Ministry

Product Details

Title: The way of the heart – Desert Spirituality and Contemporary Ministry
Author: Henri J.M. Nouwen
Publisher: The Seabury Press – New York
Language: English
ISBN: 0-8164-0479-8

Notes & Comments

Practice of solitude and silence must accompany with short prayers to God. I think Henri meant such practice to form and empower our core (ie. heart), which radiates to our acts. If one repeated a concept over his/her, such concept will dwell into his/her heart, then s/he will act and behave base on what dwelled in his/her heart. If one allows Bible verse (God’s words) descend from mind to one’s heart; faith, hope and love of God will dwelled in one’s heart. Before all these practice, the preliminary (or pre-requisite) is that individual to reconcile with God through Christ’s blood; therefore, to have an open channel with God through short prayers.

Pg.25 – 3 compulsions of the world: relevant, spectacular, powerful

Pg.26 – place of solitude: spiritual and ministry embrace each other

Pg.27 – solitude: not a private therapeutic place, but the place of conversion (old self dies and new self is born)

Pg.33 – solitude >>> compassion, where >>> are purification and transformation; compassion is the base of ministry; judgment <<<>>> compassion

Pg.43 – silence: makes us pilgrims, teaches us to speak, guards the fire within

Pg.57 – words: defend & offend versus healing & restoring

Pg.64 – charity, not silence, is the purpose of the spiritual life and ministry

Pg.66 – words are the instrument of the present world, but silence is the mystery of the future world

Pg.69 – Solitude and silence can never be separated from the call to unceasing prayer, not self-centered forms of asceticism. Solitude isn’t as being alone, but being alone with God. Silence isn’t of not speaking but listening to God.

Pg.80 – nurtured by short prayers

Pg.81 – to descend with the mind into the heart


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