After I Read - 讀後感

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Monday, September 01, 2008


近來讀到鄺炳釗博士的如何經歷神的同在一書,他從詩 篇 15有以下的見解。

詩 篇 15

1 耶 和 華 啊 , 誰 能 寄 居 你 的 帳 幕 ? 誰 能 住 在 你 的 聖 山 ?

2 就 是 行 為 正 直 、 做 事 公 義 、 心 裡 說 實 話 的 人 。

3 他 不 以 舌 頭 讒 謗 人 , 不 惡 待 朋 友 , 也 不 隨 夥 毀 謗 鄰 里 。

4 他 眼 中 藐 視 匪 類 , 卻 尊 重 那 敬 畏 耶 和 華 的 人 。 他 發 了 誓 , 雖 然 自 己 吃 虧 也 不 更 改 。

5 他 不 放 債 取 利 , 不 受 賄 賂 以 害 無 辜 。 行 這 些 事 的 人 必 永 不 動 搖 。

一, 完全正直,是指生活方式,行事為人的態度是否「完整」和「健全」, 從討神喜悅出發。
二, 做應做的事, 不從金錢為行事為人的動機。
三, 心口如一,「從心裹說實話的人」
四, 不搬弄是非, 「毀謗」是指四出散播不利的流言。如在教會中惡意批評弟兄姊妹。
五, 不傷害人, 是「不惡待朋友」的對比。
六, 不毀謗鄰居, 「毀謗」 是指過份挑剔別人品格。
七, 離惡親善, 遠離惡人,與敬畏耶和華的人結交。
八, 謹守誓言, 言出必行, 是可信任。
九, 不放債取利, 不會因財失義, 不會乘人之危。
十, 不受賄賂, 不會不顧公義而收受賄賂、屈枉正直。

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Prayer: Finding the Heart’s True Home

Product Details

Title: Prayer - Finding the Heart’s True Home
Author: Richard J. Foster
Publisher: Harper San Francisco
Language: English
ISBN: 978-0-06-062846-8

Notes & Comments

Pg.4 Prayer as a love song under disturbing situation
Pg.12 Anger and frustration
Pg.13 Spiritual greed
Pg.20 God to instantly appear at our call?
Pg.21 Two purification: stripping exterior and interior results
Pg.29 Personal Ebenezer, heart searching
Pg.30 Self-knowledge, offer our strength and weakness
Pg.31 sacrifice all: goodness and weakness
Pg.32 inward, magnet
Pg.41 origin sing: the lack of
Pg.42 broken and contrite heart
Pg.45-46 fire of sin, put out by small amount of tears
Pg.49 prayer of relinquishment: soul-satisfying rest
Pg.50 relinquish vs. resignation
Pg.53 Purpose of relinquishment and struggle
Pg.55 self-emptying prayer (Philippians 2)
Pg.57 to be formed, free from greed, avarice
Pg.58 golden triangle of formation by Dallas Willard
Pg.59 Ignatius retreat
Pg.60 Benedict
Pg.61 Humility Definition
Pg.63 solitude: letting go of our inner compulsion to acquire more wealth
Pg.68 afraid of commitment because fear of not able to fulfill covenant
Pg.72 covenant of Holy obedience
Pg.85 Obstruction to prayers
Pg.87-90 Adoration training: (1) watch creature, do NOT evaluate (2) habit of giving thanks (gratitude, compliments) (3) magnify God
Pg.93 fruit of the prayer of rest
Pg.96 passion to possess: difficulty of Sabbath rhythm
Pg.98 act but not to control
Pg.99 imperfect to reshape
Pg.110 goal of hymn, psalms
Pg.111 Eucharistic feast
Pg.112 C.S. Lewis: take and eat, not take and understand
Pg.116 Holy listening
Pg.117 body, posture
Pg.120 intimacy via regular association
Pg.122 mercy on me prayer (breath prayers)
Pg.123 samples of breath prayer: Exercise/Practice
Pg.134-135 Abba, father intimacy
Pg.138-139 glossolalia, tongues, holy laughter
Pg.144 receives God, do not manipulate God
Pg.149 Meditative prayer, transforming to obedience, lectio divina (devine reading), mind to hear reading
Pg.151-152 books help us on meditative prayer
Pg.156-157 Criteria to contemplative prayer
Pg.159-160 analogy of Union with God, purity
Pg.161 Contemplative prayer steps
Pg.174 contentment without excessive demands
Pg.182-183 prayer unanswered, answered
Pg.185 structure of petitionary prayer
Pg.187 definition of forgiveness
Pg.188 deliver – temptation, therefore to reveal our hearts
Pg.189 sin, not puppy-sins, power and influence without ref to God
Pg.192 Moses, Aaron and Hur back support, Joshua frontline
Pg.193 Holy Spirit, Christ (Son)
Pg.194-195 Pray in the name of Christ and content of prayer has to be in unity with His nature, learning how to become a branch
Pg.196 frustration
Pg.197 supplication definition
Pg.198 Korean Prayer Meetings
Pg.199 pray for missionaries in sick bed
Pg.200 pray for enemies, bitterness to banish
Pg.200 process in prayer, wait when uncertain on content
Pg.204 ministering holistic: mind, spirit, and body
Pg.209 anointing with oil on healing prayer, laying of hands
Pg.208 compassion of Jesus: putting own life in jeopardy
Pg.213 hindered faith prayers
Pg.219 heart enlarged to accept others
Pg.220 “wounded healers” by Henri Nouwen
Pg.221-222 Moses, Daniel: confessing sins of others as “we”
Pg.224 release burdens into arms of the Father, praying for enemies
Pg.225 repenting on behalf of others? Struggling love, wrestling
Pg.226 fasting
Pg.229 exercising authority given by God: discernment and prudence
Pg.239 The war: avarice, disobedience, distraction, privileges, status, hatred
Pg.241 prayers in action
Pg.247 bargain, argue, plead: to attempt to change God’s mind spiritual defiance
Pg.248 heal sickness in society besides curing diseases
Pg.249 liberate people, not binding them to us
Pg.250 repent for sins of the world
Pg.253 five questions: spiritual formation group
Pg.254 agape to God and neighbours

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

瀏覽了Susan's blog "我的同學CN" (April 1, 2008)… 有待要見主時才有公平了!

瀏覽了Susan's blog "我的同學CN" (April 1, 2008) 有待要見主時才有公平了!若要無論在怎麼樣的處境下只行耶和華看為正的事,有時會經歷內心的掙扎,有時會失去勇氣,皆因正在自算,同時亦感難受,唯求天父保守我的心:不將那些我認為不公平的演變成罪,卻能讓聖靈去釋放我的心!

Sunday, June 03, 2007

"Fifty-Seven Words that Change the World" by Darrell W. Johnson

Product Details

Title: Fifty-Seven Words that Change the World
Author: Darrell W. Johnson
Publisher: Regent College Publishing
Language: English
ISBN: 1-57383-278-2

Notes & Comments

Pg.13-14 - Lord’s Prayer as a gift
Pg.16 – Physical, relational, spiritual
Pg.22 – heavens: all around us atmosphere
Pg.34 – pray back: character of God revealed in his name
Pg.42 – purpose viewpoints
Pg.47 – Simon (Zealot) & Matthew (Tax collector), enemies to brothers; Kingdom of our Lord: Jesus fills ordinary people with Holy Spirit
Pg.50 – unveil, out from hiding
Pg.51-52 – the detail of your kingdom comes: Lord rules, not I rule
Pg. 59 – God’s will
Pg.71 – 6 layers of daily bread
Pg.76 – Proverbs 30:7-9
Pg.82 – obedience and debt
Pg.84 – 3 debts
Pg.87 – Justice, mercy, grace, to act of forgiveness
Pg.81 – Master forgiven slave debts Matt 18:23-25
Pg.88-89 – to forgive
Pg.92 – test and temptation
Pg.93 – quality of Life base on trusting God
Pg.95 – in the “middle” gets problematic
Pg.94 – strategies of evil one: problematic “middle”, negative thinker, false deduction
Pg.97 – desert: most blessed, left us with God alone; God can’t be manipulated
Pg.106 – character of heavenly Father

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

"Your First Two Years in Youth Ministry" by Doug Fields

Product Details

Title: Your First Two Years in Youth Ministry
Author: Doug Fields
Publisher: Zondervan
Language: English
ISBN: 0-310-24045-X

Notes & Comments

Pg.105 – first 2 years tips
Pg. 29 – over age 40
Pg. 23-38 - top 10 commitments
Pg. 69, 76 – signs, spiritual growth
Pg. 83 – 3-5pm
Pg..84 – Definition of Youth Ministry
Pg. 86 – As a leader to the Ministry
Pg. 88 – relationship
Pg. 95 – challenge students
Pg. 96 – how? “prayer & referral”, don’t teach parents how to parent
Pg. 108 – schedule
Pg. 109-115 – communication with parents
Pg. 116 – disconnected parents
Pg. 120 – conflicts with parents
Pg. 138 – conflict diagram
Pg. 152 – divisive
Pg. 171 – leader
Pg. 181 – removing leader
Pg. 184 – qualification: love God and like students
Pg. 200-204 – identify student leaders, categories
Pg. 206 – dealing /training student leaders
Pg. 214 – evaluation /check-ups
Pg. 216 – Biblical purpose
Pg. 218 – Program Targets
Pg. 241 - changes

Saturday, March 17, 2007

The Wilderness of God

Product Details

Title: The Wilderness of God
Author: Andrew Louth
Publisher: Darton, Longman and Todd Ltd.
Language: English
ISBN: 0-232-52497-1

Notes & Comments

I prefer a balance between two lives: attachment and detachment, not attachment or detachment. Isolation period, away from human but enclosing into a deep relationship with God, allows clear to reflection one's element therefore making room for transformation through the work of Holy Spirit.

desert: a place where human is refined and God revealed
desert viewpoints: Charles, Huvelin
Garden of Eden <--- desert ---> New Jerusalem Holy City
Noah Ark: symbol of abandoment of human self-sufficiency and reliance on God alone
logismoi (8 types): destroy reality of desert in solitude; hermit and non-hermit
short prayers
obedience: humility and trust -> foundation of the desert life
8 parts, Ancrene Riwle, inner life of anchoress
only myself and God -> real peace in heart
world:hazelnut; God:point; existence due to God's love
weal and woe; prayers
Mount Carmel verses, Abraham desires and wants towards God, possession of one or other of his creatures
possession and fulfilment hinder our union with God
cut off of desire
vanity of human desire
faith in darkness
meditation versus contemplation
purification and darkness
a night of love: to know and perceive its Beloved the love between soul and God
Russian words: podvig and ispravlenie
prayer of the heart
Christians without prayers: birds without wings: soldiers without arms
Pg. 137
God desires mercy not sacrifice
Pg. 139
Prisoner to death: confront
Pg. 146
God's instrument, martyr
2 lives: (1) faithful fulfilment of duties - life of attachment; (2) renunciation of earthly love just focus to God - life of detachment; balance of two

Saturday, January 27, 2007

The way of the heart – Desert Spirituality and Contemporary Ministry

Product Details

Title: The way of the heart – Desert Spirituality and Contemporary Ministry
Author: Henri J.M. Nouwen
Publisher: The Seabury Press – New York
Language: English
ISBN: 0-8164-0479-8

Notes & Comments

Practice of solitude and silence must accompany with short prayers to God. I think Henri meant such practice to form and empower our core (ie. heart), which radiates to our acts. If one repeated a concept over his/her, such concept will dwell into his/her heart, then s/he will act and behave base on what dwelled in his/her heart. If one allows Bible verse (God’s words) descend from mind to one’s heart; faith, hope and love of God will dwelled in one’s heart. Before all these practice, the preliminary (or pre-requisite) is that individual to reconcile with God through Christ’s blood; therefore, to have an open channel with God through short prayers.

Pg.25 – 3 compulsions of the world: relevant, spectacular, powerful

Pg.26 – place of solitude: spiritual and ministry embrace each other

Pg.27 – solitude: not a private therapeutic place, but the place of conversion (old self dies and new self is born)

Pg.33 – solitude >>> compassion, where >>> are purification and transformation; compassion is the base of ministry; judgment <<<>>> compassion

Pg.43 – silence: makes us pilgrims, teaches us to speak, guards the fire within

Pg.57 – words: defend & offend versus healing & restoring

Pg.64 – charity, not silence, is the purpose of the spiritual life and ministry

Pg.66 – words are the instrument of the present world, but silence is the mystery of the future world

Pg.69 – Solitude and silence can never be separated from the call to unceasing prayer, not self-centered forms of asceticism. Solitude isn’t as being alone, but being alone with God. Silence isn’t of not speaking but listening to God.

Pg.80 – nurtured by short prayers

Pg.81 – to descend with the mind into the heart

Monday, November 27, 2006

Leap Over a Wall

Product Details

Title: Leap Over a Wall - Earthly Spiritual for Everyday Christians
Author: Eugene H. Peterson
Publisher: HarperSanFrancisco
Language: English
ISBN: 0-06-066522-X

Notes & Comments

I have read Samuel, Kings, Psalm (btw. when I was young, I found most part of Psalm a bit nutty/paranoid, not so much as I get older - fortunately and unfortunately Psalm is getting real).. etc in the Bible quite a few times in the past, but I never gain as much insights into David's life as Peterson did. I really like the way Peterson resonated (to the very fact which I can very much relate) today's Christian's lives with things happening in David's time. Now, I am wondering if Peterson ever got into debating issues in his church/clergy life, as I found some of his comments/insights were very excitingly "over the wall". I guess he's a well-known scholar and pastor so people would keep an open-mind on his sayings. By the way, from his choice of wordings I think he has great pleasure in food/cooking :-) Peterson indeed is a blessed genius in resonating between old and new testaments, weaving into today's Christian lives. Each paragraph is like a shot of firework - filled with colours, context & excitement, echoing with bombardment.

Chapter 3 - work Pg.27
Worship & work became two different things, one at the service of the other. The worship was undertaken so that the work would prosper. The consequence was fatal. (The reverse arrangement, work undertaken so that worship will prosper, is equally fatal.) What we are after is a seamless world of work & worship, worship & work. Only God is sovereign. Our work is derivative from God the worker.

Chapter 4 - story Pg.37
The stories keep releasing new insight in new situations. As we bring new experience & insight to the story, the story gathers that enrichment in & gives it back to us in fresh form.

Pg. 137
David age chronology - 29.5-37: King of Judah, 27.5-29.5: leader of guerilla, 19-27.5: fugitive in wilderness hiding from Saul, <19:>

Pg. 138-139
"Christian" life

Pg. 148
covenant with people, Uzzah's death taking charge of God, God will not be managed

Pg. 153
regular set time to worship, eliminate self-centric

Pg. 163
David let himself stopped by God

Pg. 173
“chesed” love

Pg. 171
etymology of Mephibosheth

Pg. 175
defined by covenants

Pg. 183-184
send - power, sin; playing God

Pg. 187
definition of sin

Pg. 159
jackpot of supernatural

Pg. 215

Pg. 219
Abishag: qualification nonfunctional, just serve

Pg. 228
practice resurrection, pray like David, live in the name of Jesus

Sunday, October 01, 2006

In the Name of Jesus - Reflections on Christian Leadership by Henri J.M. Nouwen

Product Details

Title: In the Name of Jesus - Reflections on Christian Leadership
Author: Henri J.M. Nouwen
Publisher: The Crossroad Publishing Company
Language: English
ISBN: 0-8245-0915-3

Notes & Comments

I know a little more about mystic now, with Henri's given examples. Also, Henri had shown me the root cause and insight into the temptation of powering over people; instead of through love.

pg 25
1st love: 1 John 4:19, unconditional & unlimited love
2nd love: love that often leaves us doubtful, frustrated, angry, resentful; affirmation, affection, sympathy, encouragement, support we receive from other people, which are limited, broken, fragile, may lead to rejection, withdrawal, punishment, blackmail, violence, hatred, broken reflection of the first love
pg.28 - discipline of contemplative prayer: A mystic is a person whose identity is deeply rooted in God's first love
truly fruitful in future: movement from moral to mystical
pg.41 - communal: brothers & sisters to pray with me, speak with me about the spiritual task at hand, and to challenge me to stay pure in mind, heart, and body: Jesus heals, speaks words of truth, who is the Lord, not I
pg.43-44 - mutual, 2 ways relationship unlike doctor, psychiatry. Laying down your life: making your own faith & doubt, hope & despair, joy & sadness, courage & fear available to others as ways of getting in touch with the Lord of life. Else shepherding becomes a subtle way of exercising power over others showing authoritarian & dictatorial traits
pg.59 - temptation of power: power offers an easy substitute for the hard task of love; easier: to be God than to love God, to control people than love people, to own life than to love life; tempted to replace love with power

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

The Wisdom of Each Other: A Conversation Between Spiritual Friends by Eugene H. Peterson

Product Details

Title: The Wisdom of Each Other: A Conversation Between Spiritual Friends
Author: Eugene H. Peterson
Publisher: Zondervan Publishing House
Language: English
ISBN: 0-310-22374-1

Notes & Comments

Light reading!

Monday, September 25, 2006

歸回安息 by 蔡貴恆牧師

Product Details

Title: 歸回安息, 二版
Author: Rev. Alan Choi (蔡貴恆牧師)
Publisher: 基道出版社
ISBN: 962-457-099-X
Langauge: Chinese

Notes & Comments

In an object oriented software developer's point of view: the book began with an abstract framework, then implementation follows. Many abstract classes to begin with, then some instances to follow.

Monday, September 18, 2006

Eat This Book: A Conversation in the Art of Spiritual Reading by Eugene H. Peterson

Product Details

Title: Eat This Book: A Conversation in the Art of Spiritual Reading
Author: Eugene H. Peterson
Publisher: Papers presented at the 1999 Pastors' Conference at Regent College, Vancouver, B.C.
Language: English
ISBN: 0888654383

Hardcover: 186 pages
Publisher: Eerdmans Publishing (December 2005)
Language: English
ISBN: 0802829481

Notes & Comments

I ponder the orientation of Bible reading: formative!
This book reminded me of an article:
"Conversation with Eugene Peterson" (

nature of information: to use, to instruct (by steps)
nature of formation: add to, receive, to form
scripture is a formative language
"our trinity": want need feel (Chapter 3)

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Can You Drink The Cup? by Henri J.M. Nouwen

ISBN 0-87793-581-5

Clowning In Rome by Henri J.M. Nouwen

ISBN 0-385-49999-X

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Putting Away Childish Things by David A. Seamands

Product Details

Title: Putting Away Childish Things
Author: David A. Seamands

Chinese Version (朱麗文譯)
Title: 不再幼稚
Author: 施大衛
ISBN: 962-208-205-X

Notes & Comments (Page number base on Chinese Version)
Peter 3 times disown Jesus:
After Jesus' resurrection: Jesus asked Peter 3 times whether he loved (2x agape then 1x philio) Him

Jesus knew Peter through-out, made Peter honestly knew and recognized oneself, then reinstated Peter: "putting away childish things!". Jesus can reinstate us from whatever sorrow and grief we have had, and looking forward "working with us" through our lives.
Transformation through Christ!

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

"Free Donuts and Workout"

After reading
"Free Donuts and Workout"...
Instead of hiding our donuts, playing around with our donuts, sniffing onto our donuts; let's have a big bite and have a great taste of grace!  

(I think worse is leaving it irresponsibly on the floor and letting other people to trip or slip onto it - "stumbling block")


Sunday, August 06, 2006

Article Read: 心靈天地 之 誰是哀慟的人

Please click here to read reference article 心靈天地 之 誰是哀慟的人

The pastor in the article sounded like s/he was working in a big organization, s/he had a very clear boundary of his/her task - only to show up upon patient's death (彌留), give prayers, and chair the "good-bye" ceremony, which probably were his/her "specialized area". Things in between such as obtaining death certificates belonged to another department - HK government.

The pastor just acted accordingly and logically. The problem was "accordingly" and "logically"! Sometimes I really wonder what software has been implemented onto us (including me)! The most precious thing (our spirit to love and care) God has implemented in us are not functioning or sometimes mal-function. Nowadays computers can do a lot, having much memory and processing power than any human brain; however, it cannot jump out from its running algorithm out of love. Can we jump out from our algorithm, and to express our love and caring? Are we any difference from a piece of computer? Some computers even have specialized chips to perform very specific task "precisely" and "efficiently". Though nowadays our training most likely specialized in a tiny area, do we have the flexibility being general and available when needed?

At least this pastor here has shown a tiny bit of intention of jumping out from his running algorithm - prompting the lady once "如果你想的話,我也可以過來一躺的 if you want, I can come over once". I think sometimes prompting allow action to take precedence, especially we are human beings (not computers) where our precious spirits within have rooms to mourn, love and care. As for the lady, better "click" onto yes before the computer prompt goes away!

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Light speed slowing down?

If light speed is slowing down, could it be the beginning of the universe may not that far back in history?

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

"To Laser Tag or Not to Laser Tag? That is a Serious Theological Question!" by James Wheeler

Our ministry facing similar dilemma, so I read:

"To Laser Tag or Not to Laser Tag? That is a Serious Theological Question!" by James Wheeler (

Somehow, after reading this, suddenly the Chinese philosophy of Yin-Yang came into my mind. May be this is why Jesus pray so often when he was on earth. May be this is why these two weeks (in series) Bethel sermons were about praying and the importance of praying. I bet the next sermon will be praying as well because according to the sermon printout notes, Pastor Poon has only finished talking about the left leaf of the printout, still have the right leaf to be continued... we are "in the world" but not "of this world"... sure some tension there.

I guess the trick is to balance out before getting ourselves insane - ought to "LOVE" praying to Heavenly Father in Jesus name but "LIKE" lazer tag game is my personal opinion.

Saturday, November 12, 2005

“Putting on the Mind of Christ” by Jim Marion - Book One Part I “The Kingdom of Heaven”

I have just started reading “Putting on the Mind of Christ” by Jim Marion.

On Book One Part I “The Kingdom of Heaven”, Marion ensured us to distinguish between our heavenly home after our bodily death 天家 and the “The Kingdom of Heaven 天 國 ” (認清「天家」與「天國」的分別). “The Kingdom of Heave” is NOW, HERE, AT HAND (天國是現今、現在、到手)! (Page.3, Matt. 4:17) ). “The Kingdom of Heaven” is in the New Testament era 新約年代開始:宣報天國降臨 -「降臨」即由天上落實到地的意思: Lord's prayer 主禱文 Matthew 馬 太 福 音 6:9-15

In “The Kingdom of Heaven天國”, there should be (1) no separation between God and humans (與神和好), and (2) no separation between human beings (愛人如己). I ponder…

From the beatitudes (Matthew 馬 太 福 音 5:3-12), “kingdom of heaven” is mentioned in verse 3 and 10:

3"Blessed are the poor in spirit,
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
3 虛 心 的 人 有 福 了 ! 因 為 天 國 是 他 們 的 。
10Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness,
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
10 為 義 受 逼 迫 的 人 有 福 了 ! 因 為 天 國 是 他 們 的 。

Firstly, when one found himself/herself poor in spirit, it was an awakening call of spirit fulfillment - the only way is to seek his/her linkage with the creator, our God, through Jesus Christ – to resume peace with our Lord (與神和好). Here we can see “no separation between God and humans”.

Secondly, persecution because of righteousness would happen among people (as God himself is righteousness so He definitely will not persecute us because of righteousness) - the only way people may be persecuted because of righteousness is that as we open up ourselves to love, associate with and work among all people (與人相交) of differences - culturally, religiously, socially, mentally, physically and racially; we open ourselves to the risk of being rejected, being hurt, being taken advantage of. 因神本位就是完全公義所以不會當我們行公義之事而逼迫我們;但若我們趟開自已與不同文化、習俗、背境、信仰、思維、外型型態、種族 的人相交就可能有遇到受逼迫危機 - 被拒、被傷害、被利用。 Here we can see the sign of “no separation among human beings” (在神面前人人平等 – 要與人人相交) in “the kingdom of heaven”.

Also, Marion mentioned “The Greatest Commandment 最 大 的 誡 命” from Matthew 馬 太 福 音 22:36-40:

36"Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?" 37Jesus replied: " 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. 38This is the first and greatest commandment. 39And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' 40All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments."
36 夫 子 , 律 法 上 的 誡 命 , 那 一 條 是 最 大 的 呢 ?
37 耶 穌 對 他 說 : 你 要 盡 心 、 盡 性 、 盡 意 愛 主 ─ 你 的 神 。
38 這 是 誡 命 中 的 第 一 , 且 是 最 大 的 。
39 其 次 也 相 倣 , 就 是 要 愛 人 如 己 。
40 這 兩 條 誡 命 是 律 法 和 先 知 一 切 道 理 的 總 綱 。

“The Greatest Commandment最 大 的 誡 命” re-enforced “the kingdom of heave天 國 ” concept 意式, where it emphasized our relationship with God (“'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. 盡 心 、 盡 性 、 盡 意 愛 主 ─ 你 的 神”) then our relationship with all people on earth especially show your love to the people you can reach (“愛人如己 Love your neighbor as yourself.”).

Furthermore, I attempt to relate “the kingdom of heaven 天國” with “the fruit of the Spirit 聖 靈 所 結 的 果 子 (Galatians 加 拉 太 書 5:22-23) ”, as I think they must be some relationship「天國」與「聖靈所結的果子」必有相關.

In computing object oriented design point of view, I see “the kingdom of heaven” as abstract classes, and “the fruit of the Spirit” as the implementation of those abstract classes. In a farming point of view, I see “the kingdom of heaven” as soil, seed, fertilizer and climate天國尤如泥土、種子、養份、氣侯, and “the fruit of the Spirit” as the produce (can be seen, eaten, and filling but not greasy but healthy to the system) 聖靈所結的果子就是果實(可見、可吃、令人飽又不油濟且有益系統).

Galatians 加 拉 太 書 5:22-23:
22But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.
22 聖 靈 所 結 的 果 子 , 就 是 仁 愛 、 喜 樂 、 和 平 、 忍 耐 、 恩 慈 、 良 善 、 信 實 、
23 溫 柔 、 節 制 。 這 樣 的 事 沒 有 律 法 禁 止 。

Matthew 馬 太 福 音 7:15-16
A Tree and Its Fruit
15"Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. 16By their fruit you will recognize them. Do people pick grapes from thornbushes, or figs from thistles?
15 你 們 要 防 備 假 先 知 。 他 們 到 你 們 這 裡 來 , 外 面 披 著 羊 皮 , 裡 面 卻 是 殘 暴 的 狼 。
16 憑 著 他 們 的 果 子 , 就 可 以 認 出 他 們 來 。 荊 棘 上 豈 能 摘 葡 萄 呢 ? 蒺 藜 裡 豈 能 摘 無 花 果 呢 ?

Sunday, October 30, 2005

"Celebration of Discipline" by Richar J. Foster

After reading "Celebration of Discipline" by Richard J. Foster, I found some disciplines most Christians already are living them out at a certain degree. However, most of them I found it quite difficult to draw a fine line, also can be very subjective on the position of such line. For example, in chapter 9 "The Discipline of Service, 'Yes…But' subtitle":

"…we must see the difference between choosing to serve and choosing to be a servant. When we choose to serve, we are still in charge. We decide whom we will serve and when we will serve. And if we are in charge, we will worry a great deal about anyone stepping on use, that is taking charge over us. But when we choose to be a servant, we give up the right to be in charge. There is great freedom in this. If we voluntarily choose to be taken advantage of, then we cannot be manipulated… we surrender the right to decide who and when we will serve. We become available and vulnerable…."

May be I am too much of a logical person that sometimes hinder myself being a total servant to God. I enjoy being a servant to God, but I also recognize my limit. When I commit to a task, I usually have to take it seriously and see to it completion if possible, because I want to give my best to all God's assignments including church-related, home-related or office-related tasks. Therefore, when I am prompted for a task, I consider it seriously before accepting or declining. Would I be crossing the line into "choosing to serve" instead of "being a servant"? I tend to be more in a "choose to serve" mode when being prompted. After serious consideration (with prayers, contemplation, gift recognition / ability consideration and discussion with close friends), only when acceptance conclusion was made then I switch into the "to be a servant" mode.

Saturday, October 08, 2005

「驀地一相逢」 On Encounters and Beyond by 崔妙姍 Susan C. Tsui

Click here to view introduction of「驀地一相逢」 by 崔妙姍

Click here to read online articles from 「驀地一相逢」 by 崔妙姍


在 今年溫哥華頌主堂的夏令會中,講員蔡貴恆牧師介紹了幾本好書,其中一本是由您所寫的「驀地一相逢」。那天是夏令會的第一天,還未太心急去訂購。夏令會的第 二天下午因身體有點不適回房間小睡,照我丈夫Maniel的脾性,他很自然地去訂購書本或CD等,今次也不例外地訂了兩本書,他告訴我一本給我看,另一本 給他自己看。我發覺最近他很喜歡買一些由女作家寫的書給我看,可能他覺得我需要跟其他女性多多學習,加多幾分「女人味」。的確於夏令會個多月前時他買給我 的書很適合我看,幫助良多。夏令會個多月後,終於收到這份禮物,又是多麼合適。






作 者四年級不合格仿簽,我四年級答錯試題改老師卷。因自己又粗心大意寫錯文法之類怕被媽媽責打,而改馮老師卷,對媽媽說慌,大件事了。自始整個教員室都知道 我是一個會說慌的孩子,慚愧非常。事隔一年後,終於神給我機會以行為在馮老師面前再作表現。在遊戲日裡我掉了一枚硬幣。那時香港正更換硬幣,市面有新舊硬 幣兩類。我本來沒有勇氣到遊戲日的控制台報失,因怕老師們又以為我在說慌。後來終於鼓起勇氣去報失,忽然發覺當值老師剛巧是馮老師,那時我腳都軟了,又不 能回頭跑因馮老師的眼光直射在我額上,於是便口震震告訴她我掉了一杖五角硬幣,她從失物中拿出一塊新版的五角硬幣問我是否這枚,我便直說我失掉的五角硬幣 是舊版,不是這枚,馮燕華老師用肯定的語氣稱讚我「誠實」,這兩個從馮老師口中出的字在我十歲的心靈裡有無限的安慰平安,不再慚愧。



我 亦是在小山丘上度過十一年,但是由幼稚園至中三,其後往加拿大。這十一年充份地在我日後成長打下不動搖的做人處事的根基。現今我於AWANA (Truth&Training)事奉也是向當年小山丘上老師們學習,希望延續這恩情,亦確信基督的愛和話語對孩童成長的重要,讓孩子們看到神給 我們的人生說明書 – 聖經。


我 曾在青衣島一所小學任代課老師,學校舉行每年一度的班際英文詩集朗誦比賽,每班可挑選兩位同學參賽。當我在課堂查問誰希望參加朗誦比賽時,有許多同學舉手 表示有興趣,有一位品學兼優受許多老師愛戴的高材生在我還未叫名字之先己經差不多走到我跟前,可能小小年紀的她習慣了所有學校比賽都必定有她的份兒,所以 下意式地走出來。我卻心內已打算選兩位未曾參賽過的同學,於是我便輕輕對她解釋她曾參加過許多比賽項目而今次可否讓機會給其他同學參加,她明白地點點頭走 回座位。我就選了兩位平凡而有能力應付朗誦的學生,當時亦有幾位別班的同事一番好意地提醒我這兩位同學未必能夠取得獎項,但我覺得贏取獎項是其次,在比賽 中孩子們建立信心更要緊,於是替他們加強練習。有點出乎意料之外地兩位同學都勝出前三名,冠亞季奪得冠與季。我還記得其中一位參賽同學(他名中一字叫瀚) 拿著獎狀帶著水汪汪眼神說要把它送給我,我對他說這獎狀是您的,把它拿回家貼在床頭吧!



「愛自己吧!我看你是好的! 」:


看了Mount Baker 五年,天天不同,仍看不倦。

小 學一年級現代出版社的國語課本第一課唯高山:「山,高山,高高的山。」。人年紀越大越覺得山不只是高,而且變幻莫測。從家中窗外可眺望 MountBaker山群,每天每時段情景都不同,因天氣、陽光線、雲霧多寡、乾濕、冷暖等等變幻出各款層次,多種色彩,有時什至整座山消失眼前。可喜暨 望的是宏山仍在只是幻不同。




應 該還有一點,不記得哪篇提及「在乎懂得取捨」一句,人活得越老越覺其真義。青少年時的我是「我能夠」(can)做什麼,可能是在探索自己的能力範疇,所以 青少人多是過度自我為中心。我到了中年,我大約已對自己的能力和興趣略略地有點接納和認識,及漸漸領略到神在我身上的計劃和衪已預備我要作的工,再加上可 能察覺到不夠時間用(包括每天的二十四小時及至人生在地上的年歲),就開始自醒「我應該」(should)去選擇做什麼(prioritize),少些被 「我能夠」(can)去支配。選擇自然地生出取捨來,取捨來自人生目的,取捨或輕重包括事業、家庭(已婚)、事奉、活動。特別是許多家庭事只有女人才能勝 任,丈夫怎樣受什麼訓鍊也做不來或做得不夠稱職,但很多腦力的工作只要女人受同樣的訓鍊也能勝任。男女本就是不平等,亦不雖太刻意去平等化,唯獨夫妻合作 化便是了。

我特別喜歡的是「驀地一相逢」這書沒有尾聲。編排得由淺入深,由魄入靈 (from soul to spirit) 。看到第175頁不是結尾而是見到新嶺域的開始,我已從 Vancouver Public Library 借了好幾本「驀地一相逢」曾參考的書回家看,正期待走進新嶺域!

楊家慧 (Clara Yeung)上
Burnaby, B.C., Canada